Monday – May 9, 2016


Tell me I’m not the only one who has wanted blinking lights in the sky, spelling out what the Lord wanted me to do in a specific situation.  Well, this article gives some insight on how and why the Lord rarely grants that request.


If you have college kids, this is a helpful piece on packing up the dorm room for summer break.


I lack creativity in this arena of life, but I can certain copy someone else’s example.  Here are 25 Hacks to Make your Home more stylish.


With for kids, private music lessons isn’t in our current realm of possibility.  That is why I am so very thankful for this resource — which let’s all four of my kids experience music lessons from 3 different instruments (piano, violin, guitar), all for $19.99 a month.  They also offer ukulele and mandolin.  We haven’t yet ventured into those.


Handy list of Excel shortcuts.

Et Cetera

Interesting look at the beginnings of some of today’s largest corporations.  Who would have guessed what some of their starting industries were.